Elements Elements

WARNING: Elements is not ready for production. It is an experiment in the early stages of development. Although I make a best effort to not commit broken code, there is no automated testing, there may be breaking changes in future commits, there may be security or data loss bugs, and there is no guarantee of long-term maintenance. As the license states, use at your own risk. :)

Note: Currently, Linux is the only supported operating system.


Running Images

The only thing you need to run an Elements container image is a Linux distribution with runc installed.

Once you have runc installed, simply make the image executable and run it.

Building images


For building Elements containers, you’ll need root privileges and the following items on the root user’s $PATH:

For building Elements itself, you’ll need:


  1. Install the requirements listed above.

  2. Clone the Git repository:

    $ git clone https://gitlab.com/scottywz/elements.git
  3. Run make from the repository root. The compiled version of Elements will be called elements in the repository root.